Wednesday, April 29, 2009

On a rainy day

Much has happened since i last blogged. For starters spring has finally decided to grace us with her presence, I'm so happy about that as this winter has lasted for more then necessary. Maya is getting bigger by the day, and is making so much progress, she's starting to sit up by her self, eat solids (though not very much), responds to her name, imitate the sounds and faces you make to her, and is for the most part a very good and happy girl . Most important of all, Anna and the kids were finally able to come for a visit and meet Maya. It was fun having them here, the kids are so beautiful, and Maya loved being around them. We did not manage to do all we had planed to do with them, but all in all we had a good time and even managed to go sight seeing in Milano, with three kids and a baby (impressive, huh!). So i'll post a bunch of random photos from this last month (don't have many from Anna's visit as they accidentaly got deleted, i'll post more once i get them from her again). Ya'll take care, and enjoy.