Sunday, March 7, 2010

Memories.....we won't say "Good Bye"!

I've spent the last 4 years in this house; come tomorrow i will be leaving this place for good. Though our time here has been pretty rough both physically and mentally, i have a lot of very fond memories of my time here, mostly thanks to the wonderful, a be it a little crazy (for having lived here in these conditions) people i had the honor to share this period of time with, both those who lived here and those who visited, some of whom became my very dear friends, all of which have help change me for the better (i hope) in some way. Here are pictures of those people and some of the highlights of these years. I dedicate this post to the friends i love and miss the most: To James-Miracle and family, Dan, Mari , Marianne and Claire....and the rest of you Enjoy


Anonymous said...

aaaaaaaaaw, this is so nostalgic, I snickered at the eagle revolution, and the Ass Gambolo, heheh, I even shed a few tears (don't tell anyone) because its so bitter sweet. I kind of miss those days, but then on the other hand I totally don't. Anyway we were awesome while it lasted :D Love you Lizzy!!

Faye said...

awwwwww it is kinda sad that it's gonna be over real soon.. no more Cason Polo :(
These pix are real nice Lizzy, miss you all!

Daniel Byron said...

Nice pics Liz! I've never seen quite a few of these...its a very sweet post as well..miss you too:(( where are you guys off to?

Mike/Lizzy said...

Thanks dan...we're at my parents place for a while till we decide what to do!